Flower Plants

Flowers represent the country's unity in the form of diversity, liveliness, and generosity, providing it a rich cultural fragrance and values.

About Garlic VineGarlic Vine, the name derived because the leaves when crushed smells like garlic. However, it doesn't smell if the plant is left alone.It is beautiful ornamental flowering vine with opposite leaves..
About Geranium Geranium essential oil has been used to treat health conditions for centuries. There is scientific data indicating that it may be beneficial for a number of conditions, such as anxiety, depr..
About Hibiscus (single petal)All parts of hibiscus plants are used traditionally. Due to their soothing (demulcent) and astringent properties, the flowers and leaves have been traditionally used to treat condi..
About IxoraIxora is widely used as ornamental shrub .The flowers, leaves, roots, and the stem are used to treat various ailments in the Indian traditional system of medicine, the Ayurveda, and in various folk medi..
About Kagada Malli Kagada malli produces charming little star-shaped white blooms that often have pink highlights on the petals. In addition to looking beautiful, the kagada malli flower also has a pleasa..
About Kadamba flower The Kadamb tree has a religious place in India. As a religious plant, it is grown in compounds of religious places. Kadamba is used as anti-hepatotoxic, antimalarial, antimicrobia..
Through the ages, traditional medicine practitioners have utilized the Kanakambaram flower to soothe various disorders, ranging from digestion difficulties and skin irritations to coughs and influenza.Crossandra is a..
Kashmir roses need full sun and would do best in a location with at least 6 hours or more. They prefer rich, moist, well-drained soil that is slightly acidic. At planting time they would benefit from an addition of p..
About Kufiya  Kufiya is an evergreen, ever flowering small plant which can grow in all sorts of soils with good drainage. The tiny flowers come in purple, lavender and white colors.Plant Specification..
About LagerstroemiaLagerstroemia indica (Crape myrtle, Crepe myrtle) is a species in the genus Lagerstroemia in the family Lythraceae.From China, Korea, Japan and Indian Subcontinent Lagerstroemia indica is an oft..
Mandevilla Mandevilla
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Plant one where it gets less than 6 hours a day of direct sunlight and you won't get as many flowers. If you live in a hot place (hello Phoenix and Austin) mandevilla will tolerate, even appreciate, some shelter from..
About Mirapa Mandaram (Hibiscus Viceroy) PlantHibiscus Viceroy also known as shoe flower belonging to Hibiscus family. The flowers are bloomed with closed petals they are rich in colour very attractive, mostly foun..
Neli gorinta Neli gorinta
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The juice is also used for warts, cancer treatment and expectorant. A decoction of flowers is taken for infections, vomiting, urine retention and as a tonic. In India, flowers are regarded as cooling, tonic and ..
Showing 16 to 30 of 48 (4 Pages)