religious plant , holy plants , holy trees , religious trees , sacred plants , sacred trees , cultural plants , cultural trees
Holy Plants

Today also, the modern Indian traditions have an elementary place for worshipping plants and trees as they symbolize life, fertility, prosperity, growth, purity, and divinity.

About Brahma KamalamIt is said that Brahma Kamalam - named after God Brahma who is believed to have created the universe . The flower only blooms for a few hours, and is said to being good luck and prospe..
About Cannon Ball [Nagalingam]Hindus revere it as a sacred tree because the petals of the flower resemble the hood of the Naga, a sacred snake, protecting a Shiva Lingam, the stigma.Cannon ball flowers are c..
About Ekabilvam Ekabilvam leaves placed on the head of Lord Shiva, or on his emblem the lingam, to cool the hot-tempered deity and is considered to be conductive to wellbeing and happiness, and the destruc..
About Euphorbia miliiEuphorbia milii is an evergreen shrub native to Madagascar and widely cultivated as an ornamental in tropical and temperate regions. Plant is full of lush green leaves and is said to ..
Prosopis cineraria is also the state tree of Rajasthan (where it is known as Khejri), Western Uttar Pradesh (where it is known as Chhonkara) and Telangana (where it is known as Jammi [5] ) in India. A large and well-..
About Kadamba flower The Kadamb tree has a religious place in India. As a religious plant, it is grown in compounds of religious places. Kadamba is used as anti-hepatotoxic, antimalarial, antimicrobia..
About   Kapoor tulsi Kapoor Tulsi belongs to the family of Lamiaceae. Its scientific name is Ocimum Tenuiflorum. Kapoor Tulsi is native to tropical and subtropical Asia. It is the short, annual, heavil..
About Maha BilvamMaha Vilvam is a holly tree commonly found in the Sacred Groves from Kanyakumari to Kashmir in the foot hills and in plains which has many medicinal secrets. Vilva trees are the Sthalavirusham..
Mahogany is a straight-grained, reddish-brown timber of three tropical hardwood species of the genus Swietenia, indigenous to the Americas and part of the pantropical chinaberry family, Meliaceae. Mahogany is used co..
This fiery plant has many uses from food-related crafts to medicinal cure for cancer. Moduga Chettu in Telugu, official state language of Telangana, in latin known as Butea Monosperma, is also known as the “flame of ..
All true tea is made with leaves harvested from a single plant species called Camellia sinensis. Get tea plant seeds or seedlings from a nursery and plant them in acidic soil. Place them at a distance to allow t..
About TulsiThe Tulsi is the most sacred plant that we worship because of its connection to Lord Vishnu. Also known as the Tulasi, the plant is believed to be the earthly form of the goddess Tulsi who was a de..
Vetiver may be the most practical solution for controlling soil erosion on a huge scale in many regions, especially the tropics and subtropics! Vetiver roots grow vertically for at least three metres, not only do the..
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