Outdoor Plants
Outdoor Plants

Outdoor Plants

Abutilon x hybridum is classified as a broadleaf evergreen shrub and can be grown outdoors year-round in USDA plant hardiness zones 9-10, where it may reach as high as 10 feet tall under optimal growing conditions...
WHEN TO PLANT: Tuberous begonias will not grow in cold soil. Plant them outdoors in late spring after the soil is warm and all danger of frost has passed. For earlier flowers, the tubers may be started indoors in ..
Gaillardia forms a slowly spreading mound and the common name may be a reference to how they can slowly spread and "blanket" an area. The flower can reseed and sprawl through the garden. Since the original plants ..
Brassica species and varieties commonly used for food include bok choy, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, choy sum, kohlrabi, napa cabbage, rutabaga, turnip and some seeds used in the production of canola o..
The name Breynia is a conserved name, it is recognized despite the existence of an earlier use of the same name to refer to a different plant. Breynia L. 1753 is in the Capparaceae, but ..
All caladiums love filtered sunlight and shade. Some newer selections and caladiums with narrower leaves can take more light, but it's best to limit direct sun exposure to the morning hours. The colorful foliage can ..
Coleus has long been considered a shade plant but the best leaf color is achieved with morning sun and some degree of afternoon shade. Many varieties do well in both shade and part-sun. Some can take quite a bit of..
Crotons are tropical plants that thrive outdoors in warm temperate areas. These plants do not like cold weather, so make sure that the temperature remains above 60 degrees Fahrenheit all year. Humidity is also tol..
Water your dracaena until water flows freely through the drainage hole at the bottom of its pot. If water continues to gather at the bottom of the plant, remove the saucer or other catchment device to avoid accumu..
Remove or trim lower leaves and place the cutting in a clear glass of clean water. Refresh the water every four to five days or when it gets cloudy. Keep the cutting in a spot with bright indirect light. Wait unti..
Dracaena Sulochana is a popular ornamental houseplant that can be grown both indoors and outdoors. Its glossy greenish-purple leaves can grow up to 1 foot long. The plant thrives in light shade and moist but w..
·         It's excellent for burns and sunburns, as well as a range of skin ailments;·         It's a quick-growing plant with a colo..
The beautiful fatsia japonica gets its name from the Japanese word ‘fatsi’, meaning ‘eight’, because its magnificent leaves have eight lobes. It’s found in the wild in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, where it lives..
Ferns will grow where other plants fail to thrive and most do well in rich, well-drained soil with an abundance of organic matter. Planting a fern garden outdoors requires minimal attention other than regular mulc..
Light: For optimum growth, prefers a bright location with plenty of indirect light. Can acclimate to lower light levels, but this could hinder growth. Watering Frequency: Prefers moist soil, not wet. Allow the top 2-..
Showing 1 to 15 of 31 (3 Pages)