have many benefits
  • Indigo


  • Product Code: TOFOO289
  • Availability: In Stock

* Deliver charges will be applicable.

  • ₹100

* Plants Delivery is available for the Districts of AP & Telangana, Minimum order quantity should be 5-10 varities of plants

True indigo is a shrub 1–2 metres (3 ft 3 in – 6 ft 7 in) high. It may be an annual, biennial, or perennial, depending on the climate in which it is grown. It has light green pinnate leaves and sheafs of pink or violet flowers.

The rotenoids deguelin, dehydrodeguelin, rotenol, rotenone, tephrosin and sumatrol can be found in I. tinctoria

The plant is a legume, so it is rotated into fields to improve the soil in the same way that other legume crops such as alfalfa and beans are. The plant is also widely grown as a soil-improving groundcover.