ornamental plant
  • Black Napier Grass

Black Napier Grass

  • Product Code: TGP1063
  • Availability: In Stock

* Deliver charges will be applicable.

  • ₹120

* Plants Delivery is available for the Districts of AP, Telangana, Tamilnadu & Karnataka, Minimum order quantity should be 5-10 varities of plants

Distributed all over the British Isles, black-grass

is most abundant in cultivated land in South-East England. However, it has gradually spread North and West, recently arriving in South-East Scotland and Northumberland. It remains rare in northern Scotland. Soil type.

      Chemical control should start with the use of glyphosate on stubbles, stale seedbeds or cultivated soils to 'burn-off' any emerged black-grass prior to drilling the crop.

         Ophiopogon Planiscapus Nigrescens common name Lilyturf is also referred to as Black Grass or Black Mondo Grass. It is a clump forming small grass with narrow curving, almost black but in fact very dark purple leaves.

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